Dr. Joanna Li
Pianist, Doctor of Piano Performing
Richmond Hill
李若含博士 Dr. Joanna Li
钢琴家及钢琴博士及钢琴教授,国际肖邦钢琴大赛评判V.Merzhanov 的入室弟子,曾在香港及英国培训钢琴学生,现定居于加拿大多伦多列治文山。钢琴演奏博士 - 毕业于世界著名的莫斯科音乐学院学生获得超过100项国际奖项
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Saint Saens - Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso - Joanna Li (Piano) & Tatiana Samouil (Violin)

Liszt - Dante Sonate - Joanna Li (Piano)

Colourful Clouds Chasing the Moon 彩雲追月 (Joanna Li 李若含)
「... 一位天才横溢的钢琴家... 」。 波兰华沙肖邦国际钢琴比赛的评委之一梅赞诺夫教授(V.Merzhanov)
「... 高超的技巧,动人的音色... 」著名德国钢琴家卢夫
李若含出生音乐世家,从四岁开始被钢琴老师发掘其音乐天份,并开始学习钢琴,五岁已经首次踏足演出舞台。 李氏在童年时已经经常赢得钢琴比赛的大奖。 她对钢琴演奏的热诚使她踏上在俄罗斯深造钢琴演奏十年之路,是香港唯一一位获莫斯科音乐学院四大钢琴门派中(Merzhanov, Gornostayeva, Voskresensky及Dorensky)的钢琴大师梅赞诺夫教授(Prof. Merzhanov) 所赏识而直接纳入为其入室弟子,在学习期间已经荣获纪念莫扎特诞辰250周年国际钢琴比赛亚军及斯拉夫国际钢琴比赛季军。
由于李若含在俄国时钢琴演奏上的表现突出,俄罗斯政府给她颁发钢琴独奏家的荣衔。 李若含完成了钢琴演奏硕士、室内乐硕士、伴奏硕士及教师硕士,并在莫斯科音乐学院以满分成绩完成钢琴演奏博士学位。 李若含在学习期间已经获邀到处演出,曾与俄罗斯30多个演奏厅演出。 李氏也访问波兰及匈牙利等钢琴家发源地,与肖邦比赛获奖者Pietrova教授及李斯特传人匈牙利钢琴家Szokolay的学习亦令李若含尽得李斯特,肖邦及俄国音乐的演绎精髓。
李若含亦被邀请为国际及本地钢琴比赛的评判。 李若含于2011年获俄罗斯大学颁发教授职衔。 她定期教授大师班及筹办学生音乐会。 李教授致力推动香港的钢琴事业,积极培养新一代钢琴人才。 李教授的学生已赢得超过100个本地及国际钢琴比赛的奖项,学生在世界各地,如英国,美国,俄罗斯,波兰,匈牙利,中国内地,香港等地升学就读。 她认真以及独特的教学方法,刺激了学生对学习艺术的冲劲,为学生建立自信,并带来实际的成功。
李若含早于2005年已在香港出版全港第一本中文版皇家音乐学院钢琴考试讲义,使学生,家长及老师得益。 李博士的独特及专业教学方法,使其中跟随她学习只有一年半的8嵗学生成功在坐满800人的厦门音乐厅举行个人独奏会,并于香港大会堂音乐厅举办个人钢琴独奏会,是香港音乐史上少有的盛事。 李氏也成立香港演奏Maestro Performances Hong Kong,把世界著名的演奏家如国际肖邦钢琴比赛、国际李斯特钢琴比赛、国际柴可夫斯基大赛及帕格尼尼国际大赛等获奖者邀请到香港举行演奏会,对香港音乐界作出重要的贡献。 她亦与阿根廷著名的长笛家录制了Piazzolla CD专辑,获得了一致的好评。 她最新的CD - 中国钢琴作品已经发行。 李若含在Youtube的演出点击率多达80000次数。
李若含博士的名声遍布欧洲,2017将获意大利Sardinia文化艺术组织到意大利录制个人大碟及举办演奏会。 李氏曾获本地的电视,电台,报章及杂志等访问,如香港电台,太阳报,Respect杂志,Art Plus 艺术杂志等,在西班牙的报章亦有她的足迹。
李若含博士现在定居于加拿大列治文山,成立 Joanna Li Piano Academy,继续培训加拿大的钢琴学生。
Russian Moscow Conservatory Piano School
Joanna Li
“Joanna Li is a gifted pianist … playing energetically and expressively” – V. Merzhanov, juror of International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw
“… marvelous technique ... moving timbre ...” – B. Lvov, renowned German pianist
Joanna Li was born into a family of musicians in China. Her parents are both vocal performers. Joanna started to play piano at four and gave her first performance on stage at five. She has won many prizes in piano competitions since her childhood. She studied piano playing in Russia for ten years, under the tutelage of Professor Merzhanov, embodying one of the four piano schools in Moscow Conservatory (namely Merzhanov, Gornostayeva, Voskresensky and Dorensky). Joanna Li was granted the title of “Solo Performer” by the Russian Government, which is only conferred on the most outstanding conservatory graduates in the country. She was awarded the Doctor’s degree in piano performance, with full marks, by one of the most prestigious conservatories in the world - the Moscow Conservatory.
Joanna Li was the winner of two international piano competitions, namely the International Piano Competition Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Mozart’s Birth and the International Slavonic Piano Competition in Russia.
Joanna has been invited to perform in international music festivals and to adjudicate in international competitions in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, China, Hong Kong, USA, Russia, Mexico and Argentina. She was also in duet with world-famous musicians such as Sergey Antonov, Tatiana Samouil, Stéphane Tran Ngoc and Igor Yuzefovich. Her performances have enthralled the audience.
Joanna’s own piano school, namely Joanna Li Piano Arts Centre, commits to the vision of training future musicians. She was awarded the title of Professor in Russia in 2011. She is the author of the book Lectures on Piano Exams. She also regularly gives master classes and stages concerts with her students. Her students have already won more than 100 national and international prizes in piano competitions since 2008. She has sent students to further studies in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. One of her students, an eight year old, who has been tutored by Dr. Li for only 1.5 years, has recently performed a recital programme of Chopin and Mozart in front of an 800-strong audience in Xiamen, China. Moreover, her solo debut in the Hong Kong City Hall is planned for May 2019, which is rather rare in Hong Kong.
Dr. Li’s third album, featuring Chinese and Liszt music, will be published in December 2018. She then plans perform and record with orchestra the Yellow River Concerto and Butterfly Lovers Concerto in her fourth album.